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Ohh the wiggly art looks so good! This is awesome, I just had to restart because I wanted to see what the other ending was :) I love a good mystery!


Evocative and effective. Decker is such a cool tool. This reminds me of mid 2000s flash games, down to the wiggly paints!


Loved this! What a great use of Decker. The wigglypaint images are so well done, and I loved the descriptions of what was inside the room. I tried both endings; both were good but I LOVED the second one!

(1 edit) (+3)

Oh, this is cool as heck! I took a look in the credits and I thought I recognised that sound effect haha! The art looks great and it feels really evocative. Nice work!

much appreciated! and thank you for making the module~

Haha I was actually looking through the code trying to work out if you actually used the module or just the sound effect - it looks like even though the module is included you didn't use it as such in the end? Regardless I'm glad it was helpful :)




Well worth playing again to see both endings! 

A very cool experience.


A tiny point-and-click! Very cool, and I did not see the twist coming... I like how we don't get a full explanation of what's going on, just enough to leave me wondering and making my own guesses. and I love the detail of the moon tattoos!


thank you! i admit even i'm not fully certain of the truth of the situation XD


This is really slick and well-executed. I'm glad I was able to help you realize your vision here!


thank you for the kind comment :D i was so worried it wouldn't export properly, but it came out quite nice!