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The visuals/UI design here are great - they really add to the sci-fi vibe - and the comedy was sharp and raunchy!

I loooove the visuals here, it really matches the sci-fi setting. Love all the different options here, and how being too curious nets you the bad end, lmao. Kiirara is my favorite description; but everything here is well-written! Good job! :>

LOL i love this xD tytus is so cute plus the ui is so nice !!


Such a hot and short game has no business having such a cool cast and setup.

I A friend would love to play more stories of this space pirate crew... 


absolutely loved this! poor tytus fighting unfair battles everyday :(


(I would totes play a longer version of this!!)


Love the playfulness of this! Had me wanting to learn more about the characters & their backstories while also kinda hoping that they all end up dating each other...

I call them the cursed ot8 because they certainly have that dynamic XD I hope to make more games about them someday, thank you!