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This was great! Each character has such a distinct voice, and each ending felt really satisfying to get. Despite being only 500 words, it feels like there's an entire developed world and cast!

Obsessed with this... you hooked me at "the Caldera of the Somnambulist" because that is just an incredible title?! Love the writing and also the hint of suspense in the ending... you captured the folkloric feeling so beautifully. 

(also how on earth did you do the changing gradient it's so cool!!) 


if it's on the page, you need to request CSS customisation from itch :P (then it's a simple CSS animation of moving the gradient)


I loved this story! I especially loved the characters. Although it was such a short story, you can tell the personalities of each of the speakers which made me want to restart the game and see all three endings. My only wish is that this was longer!!! I would love a story like this.

thank you kindly! i'm so glad you liked the speakers; it was interesting trying to differentiate each of their voices with such a limited word count :D


A very mysterious and evocative game. I love the writing, and the animated background (when it works).

I’m a little less keen on the sections that require you to click but have no visible links. On mobile, I thought the game was broken, or waited a long time in case there was timed text. I think there should always be some indication that an interaction is needed.

thank you for the feedback--I wouldn't want to leave readers confused with no indication for what to do next in such a short experience, so i updated the tap sections to timed text :) I'm glad you enjoyed the story